9 Ways to Keep Burnout at Bay
Burnout is a common feeling many working parents experience with young children.
It’s that time of year when the holidays are approaching and you feel the wind down of fall activities and the escalation of black friday deals and the holiday magic making set in. Most of us are just trying to manage our day to day lives and trying to stay as healthy as you can amid the change of seasons and the sicknesses that come through with raising a family. When you know the holidays are coming, it tends to be a time when you want to enjoy and relax a bit but so many of us get sick too because it's the first time your body has a chance to pause for a minute. All the things that we may have been 'holding in' for a bit usually come out then.
With the intensity of the school year here, I always think it’s beneficial to reflect a bit about what you may need going into the new year and how you can go into the consider the best mindset, supports, and compassion for yourself as a #workingparent.
We all know that most parents have little bandwidth, very full schedules, and are typically juggling their homes, work schedules, and the second shift after the “work” day is done.
Today’s tips are about creating a bit more ease and intention when thinking about keeping your burnout at bay and well-being front in center instead of jumping on the hamster wheel as we have always done.
When the fall begins, you may be emotionally avoiding what you might need. So often, we have our kids' schedules and lives ‘loaded and locked” in but we hardly think about what we might need for ourselves on a practical level.
It’s important to consider your work life and schedule with your partner in a three to six month period and ask the questions below;
How is your childcare coverage after work?
Is one parent going to be solo for any weeks during the next three months?
When are your high volume periods at work? Do I need extra support during this time?
What am I doing to commit to my self care a few times a week?
What do our weekends look like? Do we have any down time?
Are there any gaps where we could use more support?
What do I need for my emotional health? (therapy, coaching, support groups)
These questions begin to give us a general sense of what we need on a personal level and family wise to bring in the support, resources, and help we need to thrive. Instead of not addressing the elephant in the room (the one that may be struggling, you), we are actively and intentionally managing our life in a way that works for us.
As a start, I recommend picking one area of your life you'd like to commit to working on. In the most general sense, I will give you a hint, it’s YOU. When both partners are working full time, it can be hard to distill the various areas of our lives that bring us joy and that also drain us. Once we start to hone in on those areas, we protect our emotional energy and create better choices and systems to support ourselves in a way that helps us individually and our family.
Thriving doesn’t look like doing everything and having a busy schedule. In fact, it can be quite the opposite. You’ll have to take an internal look at how you’re feeling, what your rhythm is and your own capacity. It’s quite individual to each person and these are some places where you can begin to see where the gaps are and where the ‘fill your cup’ areas lie.
1. Relationships
Evaluate the relationships that are life giving and those that are draining. When you are feeling burned out, you will need to take some time to be away from people that drain you so you can tend to your needs.
2. Schedule
When you are burned out, you may need to clamp down your schedule a lot to tend to your emotional needs. You may feel fomo but it’s a necessary step for your wellbeing.
3. Yes to Joy.
Yes to joy and things that fill your cup.
This may be the only "add" to your life right now. Things that BRING you energy and make YOU happy.
4. Ask for help.
In the short term, you may need to find creative ways to ask for help as a part of your recovery babysitters & support so you can re-charge.
5. Go inward with yourself.
Whatever you pick for the area of life, begin to go inward and find things that nourish your vision and take care of your wellbeing.
6. Unstructured rest and downtime.
This is so underrated and under utilized. When you are burned out, your body and nervous system need to remember how to feel balanced again and not be in fight or flight mode.
7. Sleep
When I was burned out I actually had to first deal with my anxiety and stress so I could sleep.
8. Choosing yourself.
Simply saying yes to you. It could be booking a doctor's appointment, taking a bath, finding a healing modality, reading a book that makes you feel validated, engaging in support groups, or community. Therapy or coaching.
9. Boundaries.
During this time of adding wellbeing to your daily and life existence, it requires you to be firm with your time, energy, and what you engage with. By having good boundaries personally & professionally, you’re adding to your well-being cup.
When you’ve experienced any type of burnout personally or professionally, you can feel like a shell of a person. You’ve operated so long in ‘fight or flight’ and productivity mode that it’s hard to remember your personal needs not being met. Coming out of burnout and taking the first steps to be intentional about how you’d like to make change often comes at just a micro step. It’s not about making sweeping changes to your life or doing an overhaul. It’s doing it step by step, brick by brick, and not alone.
Our society and lives are attuned to the productivity hamster wheel and we often celebrate and rally around people who are stressed and overworked. We don’t often see that there are so many of us crumbling inside. Taking the time and energy to address your own burnout and recovery is something that you can do with support, intention, and encouragement.
The formula is a simple one. It begins with you and becomes a daily practice.
It's about intention. Choices. Feeling empowered. And taking the reign back on where you've let your power out and become depleted.
What area of your life will you begin with today?
If you find yourself in the messy middle of life and career, you're not alone. I believe #workingmoms need support, validation, and community. They need to be seen. Sometimes the model wasn't there. No judgment. And this generation is grappling with the change. We are doing it. We are living it.
So if you're in the throes of scrappy and messy self-care, I'm with you.
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