media & podcast interviews
Boston 25 News
Baby formula shortage sparks breastfeeding debate
“There are so many working moms like me and we have this other pressure that when you’re away from your baby for 8 to 10 hours a day, you have to produce that milk. So there’s a pump, there’s parts, that you’re bringing that to work. I mean it was only like 3 years ago that I was going into Boston for work (with several kids under 3), and all of my pumping parts on a commuter train and I’m like ‘wow is this what every mom does?’ " said Christine.
Featured podcast guest on Behavior Change Scientist, TEDx and Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host, Burnout Survivor, Dr. Jacqueline Kerr’s podcast Overcoming Working mom Burnout.
S3 E51: Taking time to heal and modeling self care to prevent burnout
Featured Interview with the Chaotic Commute. The Chaotic Commute is a working mom’s guide to careers, kids, & everyday life in between. Our mission is simple: Connect one working mom to another.
Featured podcast guest on The Keisha Tower Show
In this episode, I discuss the pressure that working mom's face. We understand that it's our choice to work, but society has made it almost impossible to have both a career and a family.
Interviewed for NYT Parenting on How Not to Fight About Money After Kids
NYT Parenting readers shared their experiences and advice.
‘I can’t hack this’
When Christine Anastasia, 37, set out to buy a home with her husband outside Boston about seven years ago, she thought that their financial picture looked good. Now that they have children, though — a 3-year-old and a 10-month-old — “There is no padding, zero,” she said. She and her husband both work full time in education, and Anastasia has a grueling 90-minute commute twice a day, which she said has affected her marriage, her finances and her children.
Featured birth story in Birthing Magazine.