5 Simple Ways to Prioritize You.
Most #workingmoms spend most of their time tending to their young children’s every need. It can be all-consuming and many of us don’t always have role models or other moms that we see modeling it another way. It’s no surprise that many find their physical, emotional and spiritual health is put on the back burner.
Have you ever witnessed how your partner may fly out the door to golf, a guy’s night, or some other engagement without much struggle? As far as the logistics of the situation, they would be doing the same thing that a mom does only moms tend to feel more guilt, more tired and an overall more needy response from the kids. I may be making a generalization but hear me out. Unless, we actively shift the way we look at prioritizing our own needs, joy and identity after kids, nothing changes. Believe it, nothing changes. Something has to shift. This is where I see many women stuck in the same cycle. We will live in the same #workingmom grind and what I’ve referred to as the hamster wheel without cultivating activities, joy, and engagements that fill our cups. And this work is SO IMPORTANT! Your needs, your aspirations and goals matter. You are also modeling that for your kids.
As we move into 2022, “we” as a collective of #workingmoms need to intentionally try something different. It will be different because we don’t do it every day. We have to witness what needs to burn and what we would like to invite in. This formula looks different for each #workingmom but I bet if you started to ‘dream’ and imagine a bit, you may think of one or two things from this list that can get you thinking about it. So coming out of survival habits and struggle is shifting our energy into something new. It could be a different experience. Flexing a new muscle. Doing something we don’t ordinarily do. Shaking up the schedule. Getting out of our heads. And, actually making the time in our schedule to commit and try it. Who’s with me?
I invite you to think about a few areas of your life. Ones that may have been “on the back burner” for too long. Let’s see about an area or two to tackle.
What does this exercise do?
We are breaking down things in steps. We are putting a little spotlight on the thing that we haven’t booked or done for ourselves. We are getting into ACTION.
Let’s take a look…
1. Physical Health:
Have you been wanting to work out?
Book a doctor’s appointment that is long overdue?
Eye exam?
OB Gyn?
Dental appointment?
Maybe look into an issue postpartum or years later that you have put off?
2. Mental Health:
Have you been considering therapy or coaching?
Journaling Class?
Meet up?
Something for you?
3. Spiritual and Energy:
Healing modalities?
Feng Shui the House?
Professional Organizer?
4. Connection:
Virtual Group?
Book a lunch or dinner with a friend?
Book a date night / or an overnight.
Make a girl’s weekend
5. Creativity / Joy / Identity Work / Career
Have a business idea you’re thinking about?
Interested in sewing or a hobby?
Taking a class?
Connecting with a networking group?
Thinking about re-branding yourself?
Begin to Block time
As we head into February, pick any of these ideas that may resonate, and if one isn’t on there, try to find something that fills your cup. Just begin. Carve out 20 minutes to 1 hr a week for you at a set time. It could be a weeknight or a weekend, try it for a few weeks. Go for progress, not perfection. If one day doesn’t work, don’t lose hope, just try to keep consistent.
Pick any of these ideas that may resonate and if one isn’t on there, something that fills your cup. Just begin. Then, check-in and see how it felt to give yourself that time uninterrupted, scheduled, and implemented in your schedule. We’re going for progress, not perfection. My one recommendation is to pick a time each week that your partner and family can expect is for YOU. The key is to find something enjoyable during your weekday. Put it in your calendar and make every effort to show up and be there for it.
Once you’ve gone through a week or two of adding a sprinkling of these items, then make a stretch goal to begin to block time each day or week for a certain amount of time for you.
How does one week compare to the previous week?
Has your energy changed?
What got in the way?
How did it make you feel?
Was your partner on board? How were your kids?
Did it feel like a long time? Was it enjoyable?
Sometimes the work of getting out of our way and our heads is half the battle in achieving meeting a goal or overcoming our own fears. I hope these simple steps get your mind working differently. Pick a category, think about something that would fill your bucket. Take a minute to talk to your partner. Make it happen. Try it out. What do you have to lose? This shouldn’t be a singular event, it’s a way to start small and to continue to sprinkle in some ways to support your wellbeing as a working parent.
We’ve been there and done struggle, depletion, and exhaustion. It’s time to learn a new way to prioritize your daily and monthly life. These are lifestyle changes to create a bit more sustainability. And in some ways, it’s remembering what we liked to do PRE-KIDS. Yes, it may be setting a few more boundaries and maybe disappointing some along the way. But, the truth is, when mom’s cup is full and her needs are being met, that’s when we all are showing up as our best selves. We’re able to give, see and be a better version of ourselves.
Let’s start to move into that
kind of energy in 2022.
Are you ready?
xo Christine